This month was actually a really good reading month, but after the 20 or so books of last month it feels like a total step down. I don't think I actually read a single physical book all the way through this month, it was mostly just ebooks. I didn't plan to do ARC August, but I did end up reading quite a few ARCs this month, which I'm proud of.
1. Colorless
I gave this book 4 stars. It was definitely good for a first book, or at least I'm hoping it's only the first book because I need more than just what happened in this book, and I'm excited to see where it all goes. I'm rooting for those characters so hard right now.
3. Big Easy Temptation
4. Rowan Wood Legends
8. Tarnished Crown
9. The Room Mate
10. Breaking the Rules of Revenge
11. Black
12. Violet
13. Green
2. Loving Kalvin
I gave this book 4 stars. Easily one of my most anticipated books of the month, and easily a very good read.
3. Big Easy Temptation
I gave this book 4 stars. Still not as good as the first book in the series, Scandal Never Sleeps, but I still really enjoyed it and I got a lot more of my favorite characters. The characters were so irrational at times that I just wanted to lock them in a room together and just figure it out!
4. Rowan Wood Legends
I gave this book 5 stars. This, if you can believe it, was even better than the first. It gave me everything I never knew I needed and I'm so glad, I can't wait to get my hands on the third book. This was probably the best book I read in August, no contest.
5. Sublime Karma
I gave this book 4 stars. This book was not what I expected it to be, but in a good way. I really enjoyed reading this book.
6. Fallen Heir
I gave this book 4 stars. I have so many mixed feelings about this book, most of them good. I have to admit that I still don't like this book as much as I liked the first book. I'm highly anticipating the next book though.
7. Rules of Persuasion
I gave this book 4 stars. I didn't start reading the ARC for this until the day it came out because I wasn't paying attention to the publication date, but despite my initial panic over that, I still had a very peaceful happy time reading it.
8. Tarnished Crown
I gave this book 4 stars. I've been reading this serial over several months, so I didn't actually read most of it during August, I just finished it in August. I think this was my least favorite of the series. I felt like there was a lot of their backstory that I didn't get, they talked about it a lot, but we never actually got to see it happen.
9. The Room Mate
I gave this book 2.5 stars. I feel like I should change this to just 2 stars, because honestly I don't really remember what happened pretty much right after I finished reading it. Not the best.
10. Breaking the Rules of Revenge
I gave this book 4 stars. I love these contemporary novels, they bring me life.
11. Black
I gave this book 4.5 stars. I have a series review coming for this, I just haven't gotten around to it, I'll have you know, this first book was my favorite.
12. Violet
I gave this book 4 stars. I just wanted to protect Violet in a warm burrito blanket. I wanted to throw something at Jake for being an asshole and hurting Violet. He makes her happy though, so I guess I can forgive him.
13. Green
I gave this book 4 stars. Talk about star-crossed lovers. The vegan and the carnivore, what a match. It's just as volatile as it sounds.
14. Blue
I gave this book 3.5 stars. I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others. Maybe because the rest of the crew weren't present all that much, I'm pretty sure the only one who made an appearance was Violet and that's because she was a significant driving force to the plot.
15. Yellow
I gave this book 4 stars. I took a break between Blue and this one so I could reread some things, and usually when I take a break in between books in a series, I procrastinate for months before picking up the next book. Thankfully I didn't do that with this series and I actually finished Yellow on the 31st. Just made it.
Onto my TBR! I've actually already finished a book, but spoilers, so I'm not going to tell you which one that is. Let's stick with what I want to read.
1. She, Myself, and I
I've been reading this one and I've been really enjoying it. It has a pretty bad rating on Goodreads, but I don't actually understand it because I'm really liking it, I guess we'll see where it goes.
2. Heart Born
I don't know how I feel about this one yet.
3. The Hate U Give
I'm waiting till I finish this book before I make any comments, I want the full picture.
4. Because You Love to Hate Me
I've been meaning to read this one for so long and I finally ordered it online and it should be here by next week!
5. It
I have to read this 1000 page book before the movie comes out. Wish me luck.
6. Tower of Dawn
This one isn't high priority as of now, because I want to read the rest of the books on this list first. Mostly because it's about Chaol and Chaol isn't very high up in my mind right now so I don't care as much. If it was about Aelin and Co. I would read this right away, but I have other things I need to read first.
What books did you read in August? Which books are you planning to read in September?
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