1. What is the last book adaptation movie you saw?
2. What book movie are you most excited for?
The Night Circus. I found out they were making this book into a movie and I just hope they can capture the magic on screen. This book was so magical and I want them to get it right. This book holds such a special place in my heart and I want the movie to be perfect.
3. Which upcoming book movie will you definitely NOT see?
4. Which book movie would you NEVER watch again?
5. Is there a movie you saw that made you want to read the book if you hadn’t yet?
Pride and Prejudice. I was just not interested in classics at that point. I watched Pride and Prejudice 2005 because I think I was just writing in my journal and the movie had just started so I figured why not. I ended up really enjoying it and decided to actually read the book. I can't say I regret it.
6. Conversely, is there a movie that made you never want to read the book?
Girl, Interrupted. I enjoyed the movie simply because of Angelina Jolie, but the movie itself was not very good. I have no intentions of ever reading that book because the main character is a drag. Unless I have to read it for a class or something I am not reading that book.
7. Name an adaptation that has almost nothing to do with the book it’s supposedly based on.
The Princess and the Frog. Now stick with me here while I explain myself. So once upon a time, I read this book called the Frog Princess by E. D. Baker. I read this entire series and loved it and then I found out they were supposedly making a movie adaptation of it. The movie comes out. I watch it. Literally, the only thing that is the same in both is that the princess kisses the frog and turns into a frog. That's it. I'm thinking there was a producer or writer out there somewhere that read this, liked the idea, but then legally had to credit this book because that's where they got the idea. I love the book and the movie separately, but that movie was not an adaptation. I felt lied to.
8. Have you ever left the theatre during a movie adaptation because it was so bad?
9. Do you prefer to watch the movie first or read the book first?
I mean I always prefer to read the book, but sometimes I'm full of shit and I'll watch the movie anyway.
10. How do you feel about movie adaptations that age characters up? (ex. characters that are in middle school, but in the movies, they’re all 18)
Like I get that production studios do this because of child labour laws, but it pisses me off. I don't want to watch a movie about teenage Percy Jackson. I want to watch Percy Jackson with age-appropriate Percy Jackson. Is that too much to ask? The new show is probably one I will watch.
11. Do you get angry when the actors don’t look like you thought the characters looked?
I mean it definitely takes me out of it a little bit, but usually, it depends on the book. Like one of my favourite books is Practical Magic and the movie characters look almost nothing like how they are in the books and I still loved both. It also really depends on their acting. If a character doesn't look right but definitely acts right then it doesn't matter.
12. Is there a movie you liked better than its book?
13. Name a book that you would love to see as a movie.
Wolfsong. It's an amazing book and has so much LGBTQ+ representation. There's just a little something for everyone. God and if T. J. Klune helped with the screenplay this could be one of the saddest but funniest romantic movies ever. Like I would kill for this to be a movie.
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