I have to say, this reading month honestly hasn’t been that great. I read a decent amount of books, but I didn’t really love anything I read. I enjoyed some, but there was nothing that I can say that I’m really attached to. I’m just gonna hope that next month will be better for reading. I've also been a bit absent on my blog and for that I'm sorry. I've been having a bit of a block after previously having such a good blogging month, so hopefully, I will be more into it this coming week.
1. Fire
I gave this book 2 stars. I finally after almost a year of trying, decided to give up on reading this at 51%. One day I might have the desire to try it again, but for now, it’s a lost cause.
2. Wild Poppy
I gave this book 3 stars. It actually took me over a year to read this one. It just didn’t hold my attention in the beginning and I felt cheated with the ending of the novel.
3. My Name is Victoria
I gave this book 4.5 stars. I don’t know what words to use to explain to you guys how I feel about this book. It wasn’t love in the way that it blew my mind and I’ll just never be the same, it was love in the way that the book had so much substance and was so well written.
4. The Boy and His Ribbon
I gave this one 4.5 stars. I loved it but it’s kind of painful to think about so I won’t say much about it until I’ve read the second book which comes out in June.
5. Meet Cute
I gave this book 3.67 stars. This may seem like a really random rating but that’s because I took the average of all the stories in this book and then didn’t round it. This book was pretty hit or miss with me. There was nothing I absolutely hated, but there were ones that I honestly don’t even remember now. However, there were definitely a few gems in there that I would gladly read full-length novels on.
6. American Queen
I gave this book 4.5 stars. It took me till the last book to realize that this series was based on the legend of King Arthur. Just a much steamier version. I’ve pretty much got all the characters pegged except Embry. I’m not exactly sure who Embry is supposed to be, although I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be Mordrid. Carrying on, this book follows our lead, Greer, and her love for two politicians over the span of 10 years. It was amazing, angels sang, my acne cleared up, my depression and anxiety mysteriously cured itself.
7. American Prince
I gave this book 4 stars. While the first novel followed Greer and her relationships with both Embry and Ash, this book follows Embry and his relationships with both Greer and Ash throughout the years. It is told in a similar format as American Queen so we get the full picture. I honestly love how it was told.
8. American King
I gave this book 4 stars. Once again we follow a character throughout the years. We get all this insight about Ash that we never got to see first hand in the first two books. We get all his feelings and experiences that the other two just were not around to see. This book also had the perfect conclusion.
9. Birthday Girl
I gave this book 4 stars. A new Penelope Douglas book! I honestly was not expecting another one so soon after Hideaway. I know Hideaway came out 6 months ago, but you have to remember it took her like 2 years to release Hideaway so you can see this is pretty thrilling. This book was a lot different from what we usually see from Pen. This was a lot more of a fluffy romance than the edgy teen angst stuff she usually writes. Despite the controversial topic she chose to write about, it isn’t actually that racy.
10. Rising Silver Mist
I gave this book 4.25 stars. I feel like my expectations were a bit too high. I didn’t find this on to be as good as the second book, there were just so many frustrating things that happened. However, I still really loved it. It was like this perfect mix of The Vampire Diaries, ACOTAR, and a little bit of Paper Princess sprinkled in.
11. From the Earth to the Shadows
I gave this book 3.75 stars. I found it a lot slower than the first book. It still had a lot of action and I am glad that I read it, but it wasn’t Amanda’s greatest work.
12. Our Alternate Ending
I gave this book 4 stars. I didn’t have very strong feelings about this book, but I did find it very cute and had a lot of character. It was a bit predictable, but I wasn’t overly mad by it.
13. The Hundredth Queen
I gave this book 3 stars. I really have no feelings for this book. It wasn’t horrible, but it felt like nothing new. I won’t be reading any of the next books, but I wouldn’t discourage you from reading it if you really wanted to.
14. Bloom
I gave this book 4 stars. This book was exhilarating, but also anxiety inducing. I don’t know where this book is going to go, but I really hope what I think is going to happen doesn’t.
What books did you guys enjoy reading this month? Let me know in the comments!
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