1. Maddening
I gave this book 3 stars. This was the second book in the Cursed Superheroes series. I enjoyed it, but honestly, the books in this series are just too short for me to actually give them a higher rating. If they were longer and more fleshed out I would enjoy them more.
2. Rule's Property
I gave this book 3 stars. I did actually really enjoy this book. However, I don't think it's actually that good of a book and most definitely not for everyone. If you are looking for a novel with an overbearing love interest you might want to check this one out.
3. Blood and Sin
I gave this book 5 stars. I really enjoyed this one. As you guys know I've really been getting into Laura Thalassa novels lately. They can sometimes be pretty hit or miss, but this one is absolutely a hit for me. I've always loved the story of the girl that's a supernatural being who has to go up against the "hunter" and they fall in love and such. Hopefully, the second book will be out soon and I'm dying to see how the story continues.
4. The Vanishing Girl
I gave this book 4 stars. Another Laura Thalassa book! I didn't enjoy this one quite as much. I loved her writing as always but the story itself didn't sit as well with me as the former. Still worth a read if you want a new adult sci-fi romance.
5. Drago
I gave this book 5 stars. It's been just over a month into 2019 and I've already read some of my favorite books of the year. I can just tell. This one was one of them. I bought it as soon as it came out and I devoured it. This darker NA romance was the first of a long stream of darker romance novels that I couldn't stop picking up throughout the past month. If you haven't read Sarah Brianne's Made Men series I highly suggest you start if you are interested in this kind of story.
6. Bound by Love
I gave this book 5 stars. After reading Drago I was dying for another Mafia romance or just anything that had darker themes like that one. I remembered that this book had come out recently and just dove right in because these two characters are some of my favorites. It was an emotional rollercoaster and If you love this series as much as I do I would highly recommend reading this book.
7. Twisted Loyalties
I gave this book 5 stars. I have been waiting for Fabiano's book for so long and the fact that it came out and I didn't even hear about it made me lose my mind. It's so weird remembering all of the other things I had read about him in his sisters' books and then reading his book. I'm honestly so excited where this series is leading him.
8. Twisted Emotions
I gave this book 4 stars. I did enjoy this one, but it didn't pack the same punch for me as Twisted Loyalties did. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it was about this book that I didn't enjoy as much. However, it is still a really good book and if you enjoyed the previous books I see no reason that you shouldn't also enjoy this one.
9. Untouchable
I gave this book 5 stars. This one was actually not that dramatic of a book. I was expecting a lot more drama than there ended up being, but I still looooooooved it. The thing is this book is fucking long. The author probably could have cut some of it out because this book was, if I remember correctly, around 500 pages long. Although it took me a long time to read I never skimmed or skipped sections to try and finish it. I was genuinely interested in what would happen next. 10/10 would recommend.
10. The Silver Swan
I gave this book 2 stars. In an attempt to find something like Untouchable I went through several books, sampling them, trying to figure out which one I wanted to read. I settled on this one but obviously, that was a mistake. This was not a good book. I got maybe halfway through and I just could not handle the writing or the story anymore. I would like to thank everyone who suggested this book to me because without them I probably wouldn't have had a low rated book in this wrap-up.
11. Black Boy
I gave this book 4 stars. So I have this thing where whenever I read a book where someone is talking about their oppression, I can't give them anything under 4 stars. It feels wrong. So maybe this is a bit biased of me so I would definitely suggest reading other reviews on it. This book is about a young Richard Wright and his struggles as a young black man during the Jim Crow era. I had to read this one for a class on swearing and obviously, this one was a pretty good candidate.
12. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas
I gave this book 4 stars. Like I said before I can't give stories of oppression anything less than a four, so bear that in mind. This is the story of Frederick Douglas' life as a slave. It's really fucked up and really makes me admire the inner strength Douglas must have had in order to get through this. This was something else I had to read for school. I'm actually really happy about the change in pace of this semester. Last semester I was reading so many books written by old white men and now I'm actually reading ore diversely for school.
What books did you guys read this month? I'd love to hear about some!
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