I decided to do something a little different and include the shows and movies I've watched this month along with all the books! I always say I want to do movie reviews and I just never have.
1. In Her Blood
I gave this book 2.5 stars. This book could not keep a consistent plot and it drove me absolutely crazy. I’m not gonna read the rest of the books in this series for fear of losing my goddamn mind.
2. Hamlet
I gave this book 5 stars. I am not a lover of William Shakespeare, however, I am a lover of Hamlet. Hamlet was just so over dramatic and him pretending to be crazy was probably the greatest thing I’ve ever read and I honestly just want to read some YA versions of Hamlet. If you have any recommendations let me have em.
3. Bring Me Their Hearts
I gave this book 4.5 stars. It’s a hardcore fantasy book with a hell of a sense of humor. If you like Sara Wolf’s previous works then I would definitely suggest this one. Also if you’ve never read a Sara Wolf book before I would highly suggest this one.
4. The Matchmaker
I gave this book 4 stars. It was a really fun book to read. It was full of sexy moments and I couldn’t seem to put it down once I got started. It thankfully also had an exciting plot to go along with the sexy scenes. If you’re looking for a light steamy read, this one is for you.
5. Deadpool 2
I gave this movie 5 stars. And then 5 more. This movie makes you laugh even when all you want to do is cry. I can’t even describe to you what this movie has achieved. I did end up crying, but not until the end where I was actually very touched. If you loved the first Deadpool movie then this one is perfect for you. They made a sequel that may even be better than the first.
6. The Cruel Prince
I gave this book 4.5 stars. I binged this. I had previously read one other Holly Black novel and felt nowhere near as much for that one as I did for this. Politics and fairies and a pinch of possible romance. If any of these sound intriguing to you, you may want to pick this up.
7. The Similars
I gave this book 4.25 stars. This book had a futuristic take on the events today. You could 100% draw parallels from modern day America and the fictions world of the Similars. I loved the input this novel had while being creative about it and it had a lot of the YA factors that I love.
8. Sweet Little Thing
I gave this book 3.5 stars. It wasn’t my favorite Abbi Glines book but I still binge read it, so it wasn’t that bad. Would only suggest this to a romance lover.
9. Max
I gave this book 3 stars. I don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t this. Doubt I’ll ever read it again.
10. Change of Heart
I gave this book 5 stars. This was sexy and adorable it was just what I needed after reading and being disappointed by Max. This is the gay romance I wanted!
11. Want You
I gave this book 5 stars. I reminded me of a less heartbreaking version of The Boy and His Ribbon and I loved that.
12. Jurassic World
I gave this movie 4.5 stars. I had such a good time watching this and the chemistry between Owen and Claire was phenomenal. This was a different side to Chris Pratt and I loved it.
13. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
I gave this movie 4.5 stars. I liked it just as much as the first one. I loved how these movies never pulled any punches when it came to killing off characters. I also loved how Claire and Owen’s relationship progressed after the first movie. It wasn’t a “they lived happily ever after” sort of thing. The chemistry from the first movie is still there and I’m excited for the third one. Also, I love Blue.
14. Set It Up
I gave this movie 4 stars. It was a fun rom-com that had Lucy Liu in it so obviously, I loved it. Lucy Liu is my favorite.
15. The Lighting-Struck Heart
I gave this book 4 stars. This was a really long book. I didn’t read it quickly at all. However, I had a really fun time reading it. It was a fun book with fun characters. I know I’m saying fun a lot, but I feel that’s what this book is all about.
16. Sweet Little Lies
I gave this book 4 stars. Better than the first one, I loved certain changes that happened in this book. I found them to be more likable.
17. Sweet Little Memories
I gave this book 4 stars. I don’t have much else to say about this series.
What did you guys read/watch this month?
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