This post will be accompanied by a giveaway which will be linked right here. It's my favorite time of the year where I get to talk about all my most and least favorite books.
I rant little in this one so be warned there may be SPOILERS.
Top 10 Worst
10. Fire -The Ninth Circle
This book was so dense I couldn't even get halfway through before I had to call it quits. It was like this book was trying to be Supernatural but couldn't quite do it. I actually shudder to think of reading, what is it, nine? more books in this series.
This book was so dense I couldn't even get halfway through before I had to call it quits. It was like this book was trying to be Supernatural but couldn't quite do it. I actually shudder to think of reading, what is it, nine? more books in this series.
9. The Hundredth Queen
This was just too instalovey. You know, before I started reviewing books I couldn't even fathom DNFing a book, and now I do it all the time. I don't have time to read books that I'm not enjoying and it sucks that this happened to be one of them. I had hopes for this one.
This was just too instalovey. You know, before I started reviewing books I couldn't even fathom DNFing a book, and now I do it all the time. I don't have time to read books that I'm not enjoying and it sucks that this happened to be one of them. I had hopes for this one.
8. Stephan
This was just one of those books that were a complete waste of time. It's not that I totally hated it, I just feel like I could have used the time I took to read this to write a book review or something like that, cause god knows I haven't written one of those in a while.
This was just one of those books that were a complete waste of time. It's not that I totally hated it, I just feel like I could have used the time I took to read this to write a book review or something like that, cause god knows I haven't written one of those in a while.
I'm pissed because Desdemona and Othello, who seemed to be doing pretty well for a Shakespeare play got such a shitty ending. A lot of the time I hate Shakespeare plays and characters and this is just another in a long line of plays that I hated. Desdemona and Emilia deserved better.
First of all, who wishes for their wife to have a miscarriage so she can "feel the pain that you've felt", your shitty childhood and losing a child are two completely different things. Second, who the fuck sleeps with their best friends abusive husband that they begged them to leave, apparently Helena. Third of all, who the hell gets back together with their shitty husband that wishes for you to have a miscarriage? You know what, I might even post a whole rant about this play because I'm sure I can make a word count.
*cough cough* cultural appropriation *cough cough*. So I guess this is technically in the sphere of books that could be considered classics. Basically, this book was all about some white guy living in India during the British occupation of India, trying to claim that he was "Anglo-Indian" and just being a complete dick to everyone and spying for the government.
4. Wild Poppy
This book was just a mish-mash of "why does this exist?". To be completely honest it could just not exist and no one's lives would be any different. The plot was just all over the place and it ended in a cliffhanger and there is no next book as of yet, but it's been two years and there has been no news about another book. Why?
I had to read this twice this year. Both for class, and both times I didn't like it. The thing about this book is that I didn't like the content. It's actually a really important book and I understand why. George Orwell is actually an amazing writer and I understand that we weren't actually supposed to enjoy the book. He totally succeeded in that way. Still hated it though.
I read this at the beginning of the year so I don't actually remember the characters names, but I'm pretty sure the female lead's name was Zoey. Zoey has such rich people problems. She wants to "earn it" on her own, but what she doesn't realize is that she is taking away opportunities from people that actually need them and then getting pissed off at them for needing them. She was just a horrible person that I couldn't relate to in any way. I was pretty pissed that the female lead forgave her as easily as he did.
I couldn't give number one to any of the other books I read this year, this one was just too horrible. I can put aside the fact that there were a lot of grammatical errors as I don't think English was the author's native language and I realize it was probably self-published and it can be rough out there in the publishing world. My problem came with the actual content. Every other sentence was like a teenage girl from 2013 who loved Tumblr threw up on some paper. There was also the fact that there were some serious misogynistic parts to this book that I just couldn't stand. I also know that I actually gave this two stars in my review, but since then I've realized the error of my ways and would more likely give it half a star.
Top 10 Best
First off, I wanted to give an honorable mention to the Black Dagger Brotherhood + Legacy Series’. There are just so many of them and I really loved all the books in the two series' that I just couldn't pick one to put on the list.
10. The Bone Season
This book was a surprise that came out of nowhere. Obviously, a lot of people have been talking about this for a while, but it didn't really sound like anything I would want to read all that bad. However, I won a copy of the second book in a giveaway so I found the first book super cheap at my local bookstore and decided to give it a read. I couldn't put it down. It was so well crafted by the author she knows how to keep her readers engaged.
This book was a surprise that came out of nowhere. Obviously, a lot of people have been talking about this for a while, but it didn't really sound like anything I would want to read all that bad. However, I won a copy of the second book in a giveaway so I found the first book super cheap at my local bookstore and decided to give it a read. I couldn't put it down. It was so well crafted by the author she knows how to keep her readers engaged.
9. The Peer and the Puppet
B. B. Reid never fails me. When I need an edgy NA romance, she always has my back. This is one of those books that I've reread several times throughout the year. I was on vacation in New York for my cousin's wedding when I read this one and I should have been spending time with my family, but instead, I was reading this gem. Also, I should have been reading It because I told myself I would finally read it this year and I just didn't.
B. B. Reid never fails me. When I need an edgy NA romance, she always has my back. This is one of those books that I've reread several times throughout the year. I was on vacation in New York for my cousin's wedding when I read this one and I should have been spending time with my family, but instead, I was reading this gem. Also, I should have been reading It because I told myself I would finally read it this year and I just didn't.
8. The Cruel Prince
I was blessed with an ARC of the second one which I am currently reading, so this story is a bit fresh with me. Cardan is such a little asshole, but he's a fairy so that makes sense. Fairies are the best and the worst. Holly Black knows how to write a good fairy novel.
I was blessed with an ARC of the second one which I am currently reading, so this story is a bit fresh with me. Cardan is such a little asshole, but he's a fairy so that makes sense. Fairies are the best and the worst. Holly Black knows how to write a good fairy novel.
7. It Ends With Us
I'm giving you no information about this one because I think you should just read it with as little information as possible. Just know that if you don't like heavy subjects and crying, this one is not for you. Now being someone who cries all the time and hates herself, this book was perfect for me.
I'm giving you no information about this one because I think you should just read it with as little information as possible. Just know that if you don't like heavy subjects and crying, this one is not for you. Now being someone who cries all the time and hates herself, this book was perfect for me.
6. Queen of All That Dies Series
This series also came out of nowhere. I had been reading some of the authors other works and while I liked them, this is the one that really drew me in. We have such a badass heroine and a hero that is so morally ambiguous that you can't help but root for them.
This series also came out of nowhere. I had been reading some of the authors other works and while I liked them, this is the one that really drew me in. We have such a badass heroine and a hero that is so morally ambiguous that you can't help but root for them.
5. Cracked Kingdom
I love Erin Watt, but I hadn't loved one of their books as much as Paper Princess until this one. This book just had everything I loved about that first book in the series. Fallen Heir was just so-so for me, I was afraid to pick this one up because I didn't want one of my favorite series' to be a repeat of that one. We lucked out here though, this one was a real gem. It showed lots of character development.
I love Erin Watt, but I hadn't loved one of their books as much as Paper Princess until this one. This book just had everything I loved about that first book in the series. Fallen Heir was just so-so for me, I was afraid to pick this one up because I didn't want one of my favorite series' to be a repeat of that one. We lucked out here though, this one was a real gem. It showed lots of character development.
4. The Darkest Star
So nostalgic. We got a perfect mix of old and new. Well, I mean not perfect, I do wish we had gotten to see more of our favorite Luxen, but I can only assume that we'll get that in later installments of the series. Also Luc <3.
So nostalgic. We got a perfect mix of old and new. Well, I mean not perfect, I do wish we had gotten to see more of our favorite Luxen, but I can only assume that we'll get that in later installments of the series. Also Luc <3.
3. Kingdom of Ash
I almost cried when finishing this book. Maybe I did, I don't actually remember. I couldn't have asked for a better finale to such an epic series. I kind of want to go back and reread the series again, because I've actually only read this series once. I know, shocking.
I almost cried when finishing this book. Maybe I did, I don't actually remember. I couldn't have asked for a better finale to such an epic series. I kind of want to go back and reread the series again, because I've actually only read this series once. I know, shocking.
2. Queen of Air and Darkness
This one just barely made the list. I almost didn't finish it in time, it took three days of dedicating all my free time to reading to finish it in time for new years. I felt so much nostalgia when reading this book. If you were wondering if you should read this series, let me give you an answer. Yes, yes you should. It's leagues ahead of her two past Shadowhunter series'.
This one just barely made the list. I almost didn't finish it in time, it took three days of dedicating all my free time to reading to finish it in time for new years. I felt so much nostalgia when reading this book. If you were wondering if you should read this series, let me give you an answer. Yes, yes you should. It's leagues ahead of her two past Shadowhunter series'.
1. Wolfsong
Although I read this book at the very beginning of the year, I pretty much knew from the get-go that this would be my favorite book of the year. The moment I finished I started from the beginning again. Wolfsong was my 2018 Hideaway. In 2017 I reread Hideaway ten billion times and this year I did that with Wolfsong and I have zero regrets.
Feel free to add me on social media! And you can follow my blog in the sidebar to be notified when I post!Although I read this book at the very beginning of the year, I pretty much knew from the get-go that this would be my favorite book of the year. The moment I finished I started from the beginning again. Wolfsong was my 2018 Hideaway. In 2017 I reread Hideaway ten billion times and this year I did that with Wolfsong and I have zero regrets.
Follow @Bookballistic0

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